We are fortunate to have an ample building that makes it possible to accommodate up to 24 people for regular live-in, multi-day retreats known as sesshin. There is no question but that sesshin is the highest expression of Zen training and a vehicle second to none for developing a focused, concentrated practice. Most anyone who has established their practice at the Center may take part in sesshin, and we warmly welcome practitioners from other Zen centers, regardless of practice tradition.
We offer sesshin four to five times a year, ranging in length from four to six days. The next scheduled sesshins are
Feb 26, 7:30pm–Mar 2, 2025, noonish
May 14, 7:30pm–May 18, 2025, noonish
July 21, 7:30pm–July 27, 2025, noonish
Oct 1, 7:30pm–Oct 5, 2025, noonish
Dec 10, 7:30pm–Dec 14, 2025, noonish
Participants live at the center, take part in daily cleaning and cooking activities, and spend upwards of ten hours a day in formal zazen. The day is broken up by meals, a work period, a calisthenics period and a rest period. Two chanting services are held, and teisho is offered daily. Dokusan is generally offered three times in the course of a normal sesshin day.​
While full-time attendance is optimal, work and family commitments may make such attendance difficult, so it is possible to attend sesshin part- or short-time. Part-time attendance means that one will need to excuse oneself from some part of the sesshin day. Short-time attendance means that one will attend complete sesshin days, but not all of the days of sesshin, e.g. Friday-Sunday rather than a full Wednesday-Sunday. If one is coming part- or short-time, please make every effort to plan your arrivals/departures so they fall between two blocks in the sesshin schedule. Consult with the Head of Zendo if you have any questions.
For more specific details about sesshin proper, consult our Sesshin Guidelines. For the run of the sesshin day, consult the Sesshin Schedule.